Book Reviews & Personal Thoughts

BOOK REVIEW: Ravensong by T.J. Klune


PUBLISHED DATE: July 31, 2018

PLOT: Continuing the plot from Wolfsong, Ravensong follows two different main characters from the first book, Gordo Livingstone and Mark Bennett. Specifically, the plot builds around Gordo who feels pain and anger towards his previous pack that abandoned him in the Green Creek many years ago. It broke Gordo to see his pack go, and it broke him even further when he saw them coming back. Now, Gordo is trying to find ways to forgive his previous pack and his love, Mark, for making him feeling betrayed.

MY THOUGHTS: The second book was mainly plot driven and it was well delivered. But, I can’t confidently say I enjoyed the book. I fell in love with the childhood stories of Gordo and Mark, but there weren’t enough to satisfy me. Maybe because I prefer reading about two people falling in love rather than reading about exes getting back together that I didn’t love the book as much as I loved Wolfsong. There were sexy moments in the book and I inhaled those moments with much enthusiasm, but they weren’t what I was looking for (I, myself, is not certain what I was looking for). The mature perspective of Gordo sort of caught me off guard and the hard attitude of Mark made me suffocate a little.

It is not to say I didn’t like the book, it’s just that there were more steel than fluff. (just picture a tiring journey followed by a brutal battle when you picture the relationship between Gordo and Mark). Mark shouldn’t have left Gordo when he did. The Bennett pack could have explained the circumferences little better! Yes, Gordo was young and impulsive, but if he understood why they had to go and leave him behind, he would have been understanding (right?!)

I don’t know.

The second book didn’t tickle my heartstrings, but I have high hopes for the third and fourth book that are coming out!

One thought on “BOOK REVIEW: Ravensong by T.J. Klune

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